Africa’s Meteoric Rise: Dominating Global AI Innovation Race

Africa's Meteoric Rise: Dominating Global AI Innovation Race
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A wave of AI innovation is emerging in Africa as a result of the global AI revolution that is upending industry, government, and society.

This revolutionary technology’s existential ramifications will spur a boom in cross-border investment at GITEX Africa’s AI Everything Expo in Morocco the following month.

Africa has participated in the global AI innovation race and its enormous AI innovation has already started to drive digital transformation in a variety of areas, including finance, agriculture, healthcare, and mobility.

Africa's Meteoric Rise: Dominating Global AI Innovation Race

This is fueling the expansion of the AI market, which Statista researchers project will reach US$17 billion in valuation by 2030, expanding at a rate of thirty percent annually over the next six years.

Given the enormous demand for AI and the aging population (70 percent of all people on the planet are under 30), AI acceleration is becoming a potent instrument for AI innovation worldwide.

It also draws attention to issues with risk management, talent development, infrastructure, and policy.

These crucial questions and opportunities will be resolved when the world’s foremost authorities on artificial intelligence and important forerunners of broad adoption unite to spur the continent’s next significant technological advance at GITEX Africa’s AI Everything Expo, the most expansive and progressive platform for AI research and a major global hub for AI innovation.

Marrakech, May 29–31, 2024: Africa’s premier tech event will bring together hundreds of promising AI start-ups around the world with ambitious goals to transform Africa through AI-powered products and services, along with the world’s top tech companies involved in the AI gold rush, including Microsoft, IBM, Huawei, Nvidia, and Google.

As the official AI Partner of GITEX Africa, Microsoft, the most valuable corporation in the world, is one of the “many investment opportunities” on the AI continent.

Microsoft has collaborated with some of the most popular AI model producers worldwide, including as G42, an AI pioneer from the United Arab Emirates.

Leading tech leaders, government officials, investors, and tech entrepreneurs will be celebrating Microsoft’s strategic $1.5 billion investment in G42 to drive AI innovation in emerging economies like Africa at GITEX Africa 2024.

One such company is G42 big data analytics company Presight, which uses generative AI.

AI has the potential to create “a continent full of investment opportunities,” according to Lillian Barnard, president of Microsoft Africa.

“Africa is ripe for growth, and AI has long been the key to unlocking that promise,” the speaker stated. “I’m overjoyed to be the keynote speaker at the influential GITEX Africa conference this year.”

The current wave of AI-driven innovation has the potential to completely transform every sphere of civilization, including manufacturing, financial services, healthcare, and more.

Assume that Africa will gain from the global paradigm change that is happening right now. If so, we need to responsibly bring AI’s promise to life for individuals and companies all across the continent.

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We have a venue to collaborate and work on keeping that promise thanks to GITEX.

Africa is the continent where AI adoption is expanding the quickest in the globe, according to Dr. Adel Alsarji, COO of Presight. According to the report, the demand for AI jobs will double over the next three years.

“Africa’s AI journey is gaining momentum, and this progress highlights the continent’s readiness to explore and harness the potential of AI for driving economic growth and addressing local challenges,” said Alsharji.

“AI could boost the world economy by US$13 trillion by 2030, and by 2025, the number of jobs in AI alone in Africa is expected to increase by 200%.”

Africa’s premier AI revolution event is called AI Everything Expo. One of the ten key conference stages of GITEX Africa, the biggest tech and start-up event in Africa, is the AI Everything Conference.

AI Everything Expo will bring together the brightest brains in AI as well as the top professionals in the field.

Renew Europe Group Vice President Dragoș Tudorache is among the speakers who are setting the standard in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Head of Innovation and Technology at UNECA, Mactar Seck. Former Dataiku head of AI strategy Jepson Taylor.

On the exhibition stage, artificial intelligence (AI) and its diverse effects will take center stage.

Exhibitors will showcase how innovation is being fueled by the AI revolution across a variety of industries, including farming, education, retail, energy, and logistics.

Nigerian startup Clinify is a component of the global healthcare industry trend. It is only one of the hundreds of global start-ups that will exhibit their inventions at Global AI Innovation, GITEX Africa’s North Star Africa start-up exhibition.

In Africa, where 90% of patient data is still printed, Clinify is an EMR (Electronic Medical Records) platform that attempts to digitize patient medical records.

According to CEO and Founder Michael Omidele, there is an urgent need for centralized, digitized medical records in Africa, where this AI-driven approach, set to be established in 2020, would enhance access to healthcare.

According to Omidele, there are a number of difficulties facing Africa’s healthcare system. “In developed countries, there is an average of one doctor per 250 people; in Africa, there is only one doctor per 10,000 patients,” he claims.

“Clinify is a unique African solution that provides an EMR solution that allows patients to access their medical records, a telemedicine platform, and an electronically controlled and standardized interoperable aggregator of healthcare systems.

Our objective is to collaborate with healthcare providers, take this Nigerian innovation a step further, and export it all throughout Africa.

GITEX Africa is organized by the Ministry of Digital Transformation and Administration Reform in association with the Moroccan Digital Development Agency, and is held under the patronage of His Highness King Mohammed VI.

Its ground-breaking 2023 launch is followed by its second Blockbuster Edition, which is supported by KAOUL International.

Disclaimer: This article based on many articles and news from internet

Africa's Meteoric Rise: Dominating Global AI Innovation Race

Techno Tropics

Techno Tropics is a passionate tech enthusiast and the voice behind it, a leading source for daily updates on AI, big data, analytics, and cryptocurrency. Stay tuned for the latest tech news and insightful analysis.
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