Optimistic Outlook: Over Half of Indians Embrace AI’s Future, PwC Survey Reveals

Over Half of Indians Embrace AI's Future, PwC Survey Reveals
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India has the potential to lead the world in integrating artificial intelligence (AI) technology into corporate processes given its rapidly developing tech sector.

The Indian workforce’s views and goals about AI, upskilling, and the changing employment market are revealed in a recent PwC report titled “India Workforce Hopes and Fears Survey 2023.”

51% of Indian respondents to the survey said they thought AI technology would increase their productivity at work.

Optimistic Outlook: Over Half of Indians Embrace AI's Future, PwC Survey Reveals

This optimistic view is higher than the 31% global average. This optimism is based on the knowledge that AI may stimulate productivity and creativity in the workplace when paired with the right upskilling programs.

According to the research, India can take advantage of this positive outlook by implementing the appropriate upskilling strategy.

PwC India Partner Anumeha Singh highlights that companies must make difficult decisions by combining flexibility with creative personnel arrangements and career trajectories.

The objective is to meet the changing needs of the labor force while maintaining possibilities for advancement and job satisfaction.

The survey’s key finding is that 62% of Indian participants think there will be major changes to the skills needed for their work during the next five years.

Compared to the global average of 36%, this knowledge of the need for upskilling is noticeably higher. Furthermore, 69% of Indian respondents are well aware of the upcoming changes to these skill requirements.

The fact that 53% of Indian workers see the acquisition of new skills as a justification for taking on second employment highlights the significance of upskilling.

The proactive pursuit of new skill acquisition by the Indian workforce presents them as progressive and prepared to take advantage of the opportunities and challenges posed by technological improvements.

The study highlights how dynamic the Indian labor market is, as 42% of workers say they plan to change employment within the next year. 

Expectations of increased compensation packages and promotions are the main forces behind this tendency.

Remarkably, 70% of Indian participants are willing to request an upgrade, compared to 35% elsewhere. It illustrates how aggressively Indian workers pursue job promotion.

Partner at PwC India Kartik Rishi emphasizes how important it is for businesses to embrace a skills-first, future-focused strategy that is integrated into their operational procedures.

Rishi believes that this strategy will be essential to the survival of firms in the upcoming ten years.

Although the survey indicates a favorable view of AI, it also notes certain concerns. A little higher than the global average, almost 24% of Indian respondents voice fears that AI could have a detrimental impact on the nature of their work.

Plus, 21% of respondents think AI might replace them in their current positions, up from 13% worldwide.

Despite these reservations, the majority of respondents—51 percent—shared the belief that AI will boost efficiency and productivity at work.

This hope highlights the idea that AI can complement human abilities rather than take their place in a collaborative effort if handled appropriately.

The study emphasizes how happy Indian workers are at work, with 73% of them saying that their workplaces are pleasant places to work.

This endorsement is higher than the average of 51% worldwide. Moreover, 73% of Indian workers think they can be authentic at work, and 64% think they can decide how best to complete their work.

The PwC research concludes with a positive assessment of India’s preparedness to adopt AI and deal with the changing nature of the labor market.

India is well-positioned to capitalize on artificial intelligence (AI) and take the lead in incorporating this game-changing technology into corporate processes, thanks to its emphasis on upskilling, proactive career choices, and a favorable work environment.

Disclaimer: This article based on Internet News and Many Articles

Optimistic Outlook: Over Half of Indians Embrace AI's Future, PwC Survey Reveals

Techno Tropics

Techno Tropics is a passionate tech enthusiast and the voice behind it, a leading source for daily updates on AI, big data, analytics, and cryptocurrency. Stay tuned for the latest tech news and insightful analysis.
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